Americans do more online than ever before – and need better tools to help them protect their identities.

A woman on her computer and talking on the phone
From shopping to paying bills to accessing health care, Americans do more online than ever before.

But the systems for verifying and protecting our identities online are outdated — and broken – leading to record levels of identity theft and cybercrime and degrading our privacy.  

The Better Identity Coalition aims to improve digital security, privacy, and convenience for all by working with leading companies and policymakers. Together, we’re pursuing innovative ways to empower Americans to take control of their identities and conduct their online business safely and securely.

About Us

The Better Identity Coalition is working with policymakers to improve digital security, privacy, and convenience for everyone. The coalition brings together leading companies to promote education, collaboration, and better solutions to protect identities online.

Together, we’re seeking innovative ways to empower Americans to take control of their identities and conduct their online business safely and securely.

Launched in early 2018, the coalition is an initiative of the Center for Cybersecurity Policy and Law, a nonprofit dedicated to enhancing cybersecurity worldwide by providing government, private industry, and civil society with practices and policies to better manage security threats.

Our Policy Blueprints were written to help policymakers better understand the challenges inherent in digital identity and craft policies that can address these challenges.

A New Path Forward

Your driver’s license. Your passport. Your Social Security number. There are many different pieces of information that make up your identity in everyday life.

The same is true online. But while you can show your driver’s license to identify yourself at the bank, that’s less practical online. Physical documents don’t translate well to the digital world — and that makes it harder to do business digitally.  

For years, we’ve tried to paper over the lack of trustworthy digital identity by relying on passwords and other “shared secrets.” But now attackers have caught up. Reliable digital identity has become much harder.  

It’s time for better solutions that can protect your digital profile, make it easier to do business online, and prevent identity theft.


Members of the Better Identity Coalition represent leading companies across multiple sectors of the economy, including financial services, health care, technology, telecommunications, fintech, payments, and security.

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